Thursday, March 4, 2010

Need a break?

Hey all... sorry for the late post this evening... but I was having a difficult computer day (paging Geeky! stat!).

I will save my longer savvy post for another day and instead share a l'il somethin' with you loyal readers!

Oh how I love me some redbox.  Have you ever used them?!  $1/1 day rentals and they are virtually EVERYWHERE.  I super super love them.  #1... it's a dollar.  A dollar for brand new movies.  #2... they are uber convenient... they are just about everywhere. Check your local McDonalds, Walmart, Kroger or just about any other grocery store.  Our little local town has three of these bad boys now.   and #3... did I mention it's only $1?  **Savvy note** it's only $1 if you return it by 9pm the following day.  Most of the time, I am passing one of these machines at some point the next day... but there are still those "doh!" moments when I forget.  

Now if you go to, you can sign up for email alerts for the new releases, you can check and see which redbox in town has the movie you are looking for and you can even reserve them so you know it will still be there just waiting for you when you finally get there!

Another cool part of being a part of the email list is that you get Free Rental codes... that is right FREE (what is more savvy than free right?!)  Well... just for kicks... I will give you one of the free codes they give out!  The code is BREAKROOM.  Just type that in, you will still need to swipe your credit/debit card (in case you keep it longer than a day!  If you haven't used it before, you won't be sorry... I love it and we use it regularly.   

Stay savvy... and take a break every now and then!

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